DataFlex Source Code Browser
The DataFlex Source Code Browser is a Code Editor with built in Source Code Parser and Validator for DataFlex Source Code
it is DataFlex Workspace aware and will show errors and warnings for your source code
Free Download Available
After downloading the zip file make sure to ‘unblock’ the file before extracting and running the install program
You can unblock the zip file by going to the file properties (right-click -> properties) and then check the unblock checkbox
Code Editor
Code Editor including Syntax Highlighting for DataFlex
Code Parser
DataFlex Code Parser and Validator
Code Browser
Code Browser that allows quick navigation through your source code
Future Feature will allow the end user to create code documentation

Code Editor
The Code Editor supports editing and Syntax Highlighting
Code Parser
A full featured Code Parser parses DataFlex code into its components and validates it against a number of different rules to show errors and warnings